Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chess as an analogy... It seemed interesting to me. So for the passed couple of months I've been writing my thoughts down on the subject. I've really enjoyed it. But now I want to test my ideas with others. In order to do that I figure I will start out with a basic observation of the pieces and how I think they apply to people on a basic level.

Pawns are on the front line. They don't have all the arsenal of the bigger pieces. Yet they are the first out to battle. They are restricted in a lot of ways and are often considered the weakest piece at first glance. These are the common man trying to make it in life; the office worker that's fighting to make ends meet; the construction worker; the factory worker; its me.

Rooks are straight forward in everything they do. They are much like a cannon. People notice that piece and believe that it can do big things. They are often the first to be noticed when moved and are often straight forward in their way of thinking. Entire nations can be like this, but for now I'm thinking of people like Denzel Washington, who I have always admired as a strong determined man. Others could be famous sports players or historical figures, or even a close friend of yours.

Knights are circular in their way of thinking. They are not easily confined by a box. Of all the pieces they seem to go about things differently. These could be creators, inventors and the like.

Bishops are much like sharp shooters. Everything they do is targeted. They are so targeted at times that they had to have two bishops just to cover all the spaces. These could be calculated very targeted people, that see their target and nothing else.

Queens have an inportant role. They are often noticed and therefore have a lot of responsibility. They are multi-taskers; often put into positions where they have to do more than one thing at the same time. I think that CEO's are often like this.

Kings are at the top. Those are the ones that somehow revert back to the movement of a pawns speed physically, only because they are directing so much trafic. These are those that have people who would freely give their life for them. I.E presidents and historically strong figures.

Ok thats the basic idea I've been running with for a while. If there is anyone that has thoughts on this I am eager to hear from you.


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